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23 April 2014

Gagetane Hiruko Cloth - Black Bullet Wikia

Kohina Hiruko (蛭子小比奈, こひな ひるこ, Kohina Hiruko) is an Initiator and Kagetane Hiruko's daughter.

Kohina Hiruko is a 10 years old girl, who, despite her petty physique, is extremely powerful. She possesses thick eyelashes that surround oval eyes and big, red irises. She, as well, spots thin eyebrows, a snub nose and small lips. Further; her ears, which are partially hidden underneath several strands of hair, appear small. Kohina keeps her hair in scraggy standard, jutting outwards towards every direction, with visible packs of her hair covering most of her forehead and the parts of her cheeks.
Kohina dons a small dress with many intricate designs in the middle areas, connected to a bottom skirt that covers her entire lower body. The dress's blouse displays a set of lighter color edges on either side of the loose shoulder garments. Around her neck, with lighter outlines visible as well, the blouse is gifted with a hole revealing a small portion of her chest. Further; her stomach is covered by a slightly thicker adornment that spots a display of complex artwork. On the back, Kohina dons a piece of clothing that allows her to sheath her double blades. Finally, the bottom of the dress that covers her lower regions seems to have two layers of clothing, resembling petals, and being of a light color.
Kohina bears her desires Kohina's blood-lust. Kohina, like her father, gives off a cruel psyche and will annihilate those that stand in her way without any remorse. She, however, seems to question her father when it comes to ending someone's life, demonstrated when she asks him if she could kill Rentaro Satomi, who was pointing a gun at them at that time, and later when she also repeats the same action with Enju Aihara.
She also displays a revengeful persona against those that have previously corrupted her plans or saved someone she aimed to kill. When said events happen, she loses her cool and badmouths the ones she fights, calling them weak.

Not much is known of Kohina's past, although, it has been stated that she possesses praying mantis Gastrea gene, and that when she is in possession of swords or blades she is invincible. Her license, along with her father's, has been revoked due to several problematic movements; with an IP Rank of 134 when they were part of Civil Security.

Initiator (イニシエーター Inishiētā): Controlling the Gastrea blood in her body, Kohina has gained superhuman abilities; thus becoming a member of Civil Security and receiving a Promoter as her partner.She is a Model Mantis Initiator. Kohina attacks Enju

  • Initiator's Ability:

Physique: Kohina, having Gastrea blood running through her veins, exhibits tremendous physical strength when in midst of a battle. During the time she confronted Rentaro and nearly took his life, she destroyed the terrain around them with a single slash of her blades. Further, she was able to block Enju's attack whilst fighting Rentaro. Her abilities are also displayed when she confronted Enju, executing multiple trees in her vicinity in spite of her opponent being one to possess similar powers to hers.

  • Initiator's Ability:

Agility: Kohina displays tremendous agility, being one to pass by several Civil Security members swiftly without being noticed. When she engaged in a battle to kill Rentaro, she was able to rapidly attack the latter several times with tremendous speed without a second to waste; changing her body's posture in mere seconds and even defend against Enju's powerful kick whilst handling Rentaro. She is also capable of clearing the path before her with a single slash of her double blades, and overpower Enju in battle.

  • Initiator's Ability: Recovery:

As an Initiator, Kohina possesses superior recovery speed.

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